March 2020

got no school

My cousin Anat is very fun, and when I saw this video (below) I realized she is also really brave. Anat is the director of the School of Peace which is a school for refugee kids in Greece. Earlier this month the school was burned down. Today is technically the last day of my school’s spring break and at the moment I’ve got no school to go back to because of the coronavirus. But the kids at the School of Peace have really got no school. This is really sad for my cousin who worked so hard to build the school and for all the kids at the school who really enjoyed going there.

My cousin is in this news story about the school fire.
Here is a pic of the school before the fire.
Here is a pic of the school after the fire.

2 replies on “got no school”

Anat is a warrior! Super interesting story and beautiful perspective you have at a very young age. <3
Keep up the interesting work.

You explained the situation so well. Anat put her heart and soul into THE SCHOOL
OF PEACE and helped so many children. Anat’s dedication and determination will ensure that the school is rebuilt.

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