
the first week of spring break

pictures of playgrounds that are closed

The first week of spring break was very different than normal. Here is what happened in Vancouver, Canada. On Thursday, March 12, the Prime Minister’s wife, Sophie Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19 after coming back from England and went into isolation. March 13th was the last day of my school before spring break and UBC and other universities announced classes would be online starting Monday. March 14 Canada recommended against international travel. March 16 movie theaters, art galleries, libraries and community centers closed. March 17 the BC education minister announced K-12 in-person classes would be suspended for an unknown amount of time. It was St. Patrick’s day and all bars and restaurants where told to close. March 20 Starbucks closed and the city closed all playgrounds. Speaking of play grounds here are some pictures of play grounds that are now closed.