April 2020 funny Observations

more Discovery Cove

Let’s go back to that Discovery Cove thing in the aviary when that bird landed on my Dad’s head. For a second I thought that the birds land on every mans head and pick of one piece of hair from each, and then make a giant nest that’s like two feet long.

Now I realize that birds probably just use twigs and branches to make there nests.

Here is like a list of what birds can and can’t use for there nests that I found on the Audubon website:

OkayNot okay
Twigs or small sticksHuman hair
Grass clippingsYarn or string
Small pieces of strawDryer lint
Leaves and other yard waste
Native plants

One reply on “more Discovery Cove”

This follow up story is very interesting. Interesting bird nest info. That’s a great picture of your dad. The birds really like him. I look forward to reading your blog every week.

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