July 2020 Observations


This post is about all the spam comments that I get. I wondered, who is writing these and why do they write them? Some comments are interesting and funny. Here are some examples.

Hairstyles said:
“I’m just commenting to make you understand of the fabulous discovery my cousin’s princess went through using your site. She noticed a wide variety of details, with the inclusion of what it’s like to have an ideal giving mood to get the others clearly understand a variety of tortuous matters. You undoubtedly surpassed my expected results. Thank you for producing those insightful, trusted, informative as well as cool tips on the topic to Jane.”

I am sorry but I don’t know who Jane is. And is “Hairstyles” even a real name? Also, your cousin is a queen!?! You’re very lucky… I wish my cousin was a queen. A princess liked my website! I am so flattered!

Here is another one Roman Dishinger said:
“I for alltime emailed this weblog post page to all my”

If you’re thinking, to all my what? you didn’t finish, I actually did not miss a word, it said “to all my…” and that is it!!! Also who says “weblog post page” like that? It’s a lot of extra words. Maybe they should go to my elementary school. I know I wouldn’t get away with that at school.

At least I’m not getting this kind of spam in the mail. I really wouldn’t know what to do with that!

July 2020 Precepts

Precept 13

“Every day brings a new opportunity.”

July 2020 Precepts

Precept 12

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
-Will Rogers

used for precept 12
June 2020 Precepts

Precept 11

“There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

– Morpheus (The Matrix)

June 2020 Precepts

Precept 10

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr

used for precept 10
June 2020 Precepts

Precept 9

What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.

– Anne Frank

June 2020 Precepts

precept 8

This precept is related to a post that I’m gonna do next week. I’m not going to spoil it but make sure to check back next week to see.

If you can’t read what it says on the building, here it is:

Accommodate to changing times but cling to unchanging principles

This precept is actually from a speech by former United States President Jimmy Carter. In a speech he gave in China in 2009 he said, “The world changes very rapidly and very often. But the basic principles of life never change. When I made my inaugural speech when I became president of the United States, I quoted words of my own teacher in my small town of Plains. She always told us, ‘we must accommodate changing times, but cling to unchanging principles.’ And those principles are honesty and integrity and hard work and humility.”

June 2020 Observations

IKEA fort instructions

If you’re bored and you have nothing to do, you might wanna do this really cool fort building thing. IKEA teaches you how to build a fort and some of them are really nice. My favorite is the Castle because it looks so big.

May 2020 Precepts

precept 7

“if you have to choose being kind or being right, choose kind and you will always be right.”

April 2020

how to stop covid: for kids

In March, Justin Trudeau made a speech for kids and a guy named Tyler Walsh made this Lego movie about it. If you don’t know who Justin Trudeau is, he is the Prime Minister of Canada. If you don’t know who Tyler Walsh is, well I don’t know either, but the video is pretty cool!