April 2020 Precepts

precept 6

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

April 2020 funny


This is the funnest video I’ve seen lately. While the Saint Louis Zoo was closed because of coronavirus the zookeepers let the penguins go out and see all the fish and animals in the aquarium and I’m not gonna spoil the rest for you but I’m just gonna say that its sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny! If you notice anything strange leave a comment. On May 11th I’ll tell you what I saw.

April 2020 Precepts

Precept 5

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” Timber Hawkeye

April 2020 Drawing Lessons

how to draw a flower

This is my drawing lesson for this week. And sometimes I’m going to do some more complicated drawings, but if you have any questions you can just comment and I’ll help. Also if you are wondering why I haven’t been posting more stuff lately it’s because now I have a lot of school work to do and I don’t have much time to just hang around.

Step one: Draw a sorta pedal shape.
Step two: Draw more pedals.
Step three: Draw even more pedals. And if you notice, I’m drawing the pedals in the cracks.
Step four: Color it in.
Step five: Admire your flower.
April 2020 funny Observations

more Discovery Cove

Let’s go back to that Discovery Cove thing in the aviary when that bird landed on my Dad’s head. For a second I thought that the birds land on every mans head and pick of one piece of hair from each, and then make a giant nest that’s like two feet long.

Now I realize that birds probably just use twigs and branches to make there nests.

Here is like a list of what birds can and can’t use for there nests that I found on the Audubon website:

OkayNot okay
Twigs or small sticksHuman hair
Grass clippingsYarn or string
Small pieces of strawDryer lint
Leaves and other yard waste
Native plants
April 2020 Precepts

precept 4

This is one of my favorite precepts!

Do what you love and love what you do

April 2020 Precepts

precept 3

Here is my precept for this week.

new adventures await

April 2020 Drawing Lessons

how to draw a leaf

Here is my five step drawing for this week. Drawing tip, draw it with pencil.

Step one: Draw a sorta leaf shape.
Step two: Draw the stem.
Step three: draw that sorta inside thing and draw lines around the leaf.
Step four: Color it in
Step five: Admire your leaf
April 2020 Travel

discovery cove

Today I’m going to talk about a place called Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida. I thought Discovery Cove was really fun. My two favorite things to do there were: swim with dolphins and go in the super long lazy river. You can also do other stuff like swimming with sharks and feeding stingrays, hanging out with flamingos, and snorkeling with thousands of tropical fish. I went there a few months ago, and since I didn’t travel this spring break I’ve been thinking a lot about other vacations that I have been on. I totally want to go back to Dolphin Cove and I totally recommend it. Here are some pictures:

funny March 2020

funny story

This guy was trying to solve a coronavirus problem by making something that prevents you from touching your face. But instead he got magnets stuck in his nose! The video tells the whole story.

Dr. Daniel Reardon explains how he got two magnets stuck up his nose.