Delisious July 2020 Observations

5 best ice cream and froyo places in Los Angeles

This post is about my favorite ice cream and froyo places in Los Angeles. I’m gonna make another post of the best places in Vancouver, BC.

But before you get to my list, here is a good video that someone else made about all the best ice cream places in Los Angeles.

And here is my list of favorite ice cream and froyo places:
1. The Yogurt Shoppe: you can pick all your own flavors and toppings. And their froyo is really good. They also donate a lot of money to the community which is really nice.
2. McConnells: they have really good ice cream and a lot of flavors to choose from. They also have a store by my grandma in a really nice little village.
3. Toppings: there is a bunch of flavors of froyo and like a million toppings (that’s why there called toppings.)
4. Ginger’s: they have LOTS of different flavors of ice cream, and they have really good ice cream pops.
5. Sweet Rose: They have pastel sprinkles which I really love, and they use a lot off local ingredients.

July 2020 Observations


This post is about all the spam comments that I get. I wondered, who is writing these and why do they write them? Some comments are interesting and funny. Here are some examples.

Hairstyles said:
“I’m just commenting to make you understand of the fabulous discovery my cousin’s princess went through using your site. She noticed a wide variety of details, with the inclusion of what it’s like to have an ideal giving mood to get the others clearly understand a variety of tortuous matters. You undoubtedly surpassed my expected results. Thank you for producing those insightful, trusted, informative as well as cool tips on the topic to Jane.”

I am sorry but I don’t know who Jane is. And is “Hairstyles” even a real name? Also, your cousin is a queen!?! You’re very lucky… I wish my cousin was a queen. A princess liked my website! I am so flattered!

Here is another one Roman Dishinger said:
“I for alltime emailed this weblog post page to all my”

If you’re thinking, to all my what? you didn’t finish, I actually did not miss a word, it said “to all my…” and that is it!!! Also who says “weblog post page” like that? It’s a lot of extra words. Maybe they should go to my elementary school. I know I wouldn’t get away with that at school.

At least I’m not getting this kind of spam in the mail. I really wouldn’t know what to do with that!

June 2020 Observations

IKEA fort instructions

If you’re bored and you have nothing to do, you might wanna do this really cool fort building thing. IKEA teaches you how to build a fort and some of them are really nice. My favorite is the Castle because it looks so big.

April 2020 funny Observations

more Discovery Cove

Let’s go back to that Discovery Cove thing in the aviary when that bird landed on my Dad’s head. For a second I thought that the birds land on every mans head and pick of one piece of hair from each, and then make a giant nest that’s like two feet long.

Now I realize that birds probably just use twigs and branches to make there nests.

Here is like a list of what birds can and can’t use for there nests that I found on the Audubon website:

OkayNot okay
Twigs or small sticksHuman hair
Grass clippingsYarn or string
Small pieces of strawDryer lint
Leaves and other yard waste
Native plants

Lego castle

Today I’m going to show you my Lego castle. It took me a while to build it because my parents kept knocking it over. Maybe because I was building it in the middle of the living room.

I got inspired to make something like this because I saw a really cool building when I was walking in downtown Vancouver. This building is called Vancouver House.


good youtube videos

Here are some good youtube videos that I think you’ll like watching.

My Nana sent me this video and I really like it because it explains the coronavirus situation really well.
My Dad showed me this video and I think it’s really good because it explains how people don’t know what they don’t know.


the first week of spring break

pictures of playgrounds that are closed

The first week of spring break was very different than normal. Here is what happened in Vancouver, Canada. On Thursday, March 12, the Prime Minister’s wife, Sophie Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19 after coming back from England and went into isolation. March 13th was the last day of my school before spring break and UBC and other universities announced classes would be online starting Monday. March 14 Canada recommended against international travel. March 16 movie theaters, art galleries, libraries and community centers closed. March 17 the BC education minister announced K-12 in-person classes would be suspended for an unknown amount of time. It was St. Patrick’s day and all bars and restaurants where told to close. March 20 Starbucks closed and the city closed all playgrounds. Speaking of play grounds here are some pictures of play grounds that are now closed.


countries with more than 50 cases of coronavirus

I saw these charts in the New York Times the other day. I don’t really read the New York Times, but my parents do. These are all the countries with more than 50 cases as of March 19, 2020.

I think everything looks bad except for Mainland China, and all over the news they say what’s bad but I think they should tell us more things that we can do about it. Like, only going out if its really necessary or helping old people if they need help.

March 2020 Observations

crazy pics from grocery store

I went to the grocery store a few days ago and a lot of things were sold out!!! I went to No Frills and now I think they should call it No Foods!!!

Here are some pictures:

The next day I went to Whole Foods and it was a little better but still super crazy.

What I was thinking when I saw all this is that people really want to be ready for staying at home.